Friday, December 20, 2019

Australia Birds - Noisy miner オーストラリアの野鳥・クロガオミツイ(黒顔蜜吸)

英語名:Noisy minerSulphur-crested Cockatoo
学名:Manorina melanocephala

The noisy miner is a large honeyeater, 24–28 centimetres (9.4–11.0 in) in length, with a wingspan of 36–45 centimetres (14–18 in), and weighing 70–80 grams (2.5–2.8 oz). Male, female and juvenile birds all have similar plumage: grey on the back and tail and on the breast, and otherwise white underneath, with white scalloping on the nape and hind-neck and on the breast; off-white forehead and lores; a black band over the crown, bright orange-yellow bill and a distinctive patch of yellow skin behind the eye; a prominent white tip to the tail; a narrow olive-yellow panel in the folded wing; and orange-yellow legs and feet. A juvenile can be distinguished by softer plumage, a brownish tinge to the black on its head and the grey on its back, and a duller, greyish-yellow skin patch behind the eye.

The noisy miner is similar in appearance to the yellow-throated miner and the black-eared miner; it has a dull white forehead and a black crown, while the others have grey heads.
ノイジーマイナー(Noisy miner、学名:Manorina melanocephala)は、オーストラリアの固有種で、ミツスイ科スズミツスイ属の野鳥です。オーストラリア東部や南東部の都市や森林に生息します。身体全体は灰色で、嘴と脚、目の後ろが黄色、頭と頬は黒い。数百羽でコロニーを形成します。名前は煩い声を発生し余所者を排除しようとするから。和名はクロガオミツスイ黒顔蜜吸

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