Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Song Sparrow ウタスズメ(歌雀)

M. melodia; Genus: Melospiza; Family: Emberizidae
The Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia, is a medium-sized American sparrow.
Adults have brown upperparts with dark streaks on the back and are white underneath with dark streaking and a dark brown spot in the middle of the breast. They have a brown cap and a long brown rounded tail. Their face is grey with a streak through the eye.
In the field, they are most easily confused with its congener the Lincoln's Sparrow, and the Savannah Sparrow. The former can be recognized by its shorter, greyer tail and the differently-patterned head, the brown cheeks forming a clear-cut angular patch. The Savannah Sparrow has a forked tail and yellowish flecks on the face when seen up close (wikipedia).

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