Monday, January 9, 2012

Bull-headed Shrike モズ(百舌)

モズ(百舌、百舌鳥、鵙、学名 Lanius bucephalus Temminck & Schlegel, 1847)は、動物界脊索動物門鳥綱スズメ目モズ科モズ属に分類される鳥類。
 全長19-20 cm。眼上部に入る眉状の筋模様(眉斑)、喉や頬は淡褐色。尾羽の色彩は黒褐色。翼の色彩も黒褐色で、雨覆や次列風切、三列風切の外縁(羽縁)は淡褐色。

The Bull-headed Shrike (Lanius bucephalus) is a passerine bird of eastern Asia belonging to the shrike family Laniidae.
It is 19–20 cm (approx. 7.48-7.9 inches) long. The male has a brown crown, white eyebrow and black mask. The back is grey-brown while the wings are dark with a white patch. The flanks are rufous and the rest of the underparts are whitish with fine barring. Females are similar but duller and browner with a brown mask and no white wing-patch. The species has harsh grating and chattering calls and will also mimic other birds.(wikipedia)

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